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Meet our Vancouver student moderator for Yoseph Haddad!

Allied Voices for Israel (AVI)

We are also bringing the Arab-Israeli journalist to Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver!

Click the above graphic above to register for our upcoming event with Arab-Israeli advocate and ally Yoseph Haddad in Vancouver on December 8th

If you are a Vancouver native, please join us at United We Stand: An Evening with Yoseph Haddad ONE WEEK FROM TODAY on Sunday, Dec. 8, 2024. Generously presented by and Dr. Steven Stein, this stop is part of a four-city Canadian tour in support of Allied Voices for Israel (AVI), including speaking engagements in Montreal, Toronto, and Calgary!

Our Student Moderator for the event will be Ben Morrison, one of our Common Ground Ambassadors, who is currently studying Political Science at the University of British Columbia.

“Following the October 7th terrorist attacks on Israel, I expected people around the world to mourn the horrific tragedy as they did after 9/11, the 2015 Paris attacks, or the Boston Marathon bombings. Instead, I witnessed celebrations and the glorification of an authoritarian terrorist group on my campus and in my own city of Vancouver. That was when I knew I couldn’t remain on the sidelines any longer,” says Ben.

“AVI provided the resources and leadership to empower those of us who wanted to speak out, equipping us with the tools to make our voices heard. During the Common Ground trip to Rome, we had the chance to learn about the only democratic country in the Middle East. We not only explored Israel’s achievements, but also engaged in honest discussions about its challenges, fostering a deeper understanding of its history and current situation.”

All tickets and sponsorships will receive a full charitable tax receipt. Spots are limited so purchase your ticket today!

Click the above graphic above to register for our upcoming event with Arab-Israeli advocate and ally Yoseph Haddad in Vancouver on December 8th

We are also excited to introduce the Vancouver recipient of our AVI Allyship Award – Grand Chief Lynda Prince, President and North American First Nations Envoy of Indigenous Embassy Jerusalem (IEJ).

Grand Chief Lynda's passion is uniting in friendship and solidarity with Israel and the Jewish People. The IEJ provides a platform for First Nations and Indigenous peoples around the world to raise their voices in support of Israel, recognizing that the Jewish people are indigenous to the land of Israel. The Jewish experience of dispossession, discrimination and persecution over centuries is one that resonates with those Indigenous peoples who have experienced similar things. The embassy in Jerusalem provides a doorway for indigenous peoples to enter the land and to maintain a presence there.

Recently, she visited Israel on a solidarity mission with other Indigenous members of the IEJ. “We came to stand with the IEJ and the Indigenous people. To stand in the height of this war. To make our presence known, that not everyone hates the Jewish people…We are unifying as indigenous people,” said Lynda, as she shared a few words from the Mount of Olives.

“The IEJ gave us a mechanism to unify so that our presence will be made known in this land, hopefully 24/7, 365 days a year.”

Click on the graphic to purchase tickets to see Yoseph Haddad in your city!

As the CEO of the Together Vouch for Each Other organization, Yoseph Haddad works tirelessly to connect Arab-Israeli communities with the broader Israeli society. His remarkable journey, including his service in the Israel Defense Forces and his commitment to social activism, makes him a powerful voice for understanding and dialogue.

Since the brutal Hamas attacks of Oct. 7th, 2023, Yoseph has been one of our most vocal and steadfast allies, continuously educating others about Israel's diversity and democracy and constantly combating antisemitism.

Yoseph will be speaking on the following dates:

🏙️Montreal on Tuesday, Dec. 3, 2024⁠

🏙️Toronto on Thursday, Dec. 5, 2024⁠

🏙️Calgary on Saturday, Dec. 7, 2024⁠

🏙️Vancouver on Sunday, Dec. 8, 2024⁠

All tickets and sponsorships will receive a full charitable tax receipt. Spots are limited so purchase your ticket today! The events are being generously sponsored by & Dr. Steven Stein.

Venues will be shared closer to the event dates.

All funds raised via United We Stand will support our critical work at Allied Voices for Israel (AVI) to empower, educate, and unite students – Jewish and non-Jewish alike – to combat antisemitism and hatred on high school, college, and university campuses across Canada.

This year alone, AVI has inspired thousands of Canadians and students on campuses such as Concordia, University of Toronto, University of Calgary, and University of British Columbia to serve as advocates for Am Yisrael. We have engaged allies in several communities who are speaking up against anti-Jewish hatred on campus – please click here and here to meet a few of these incredible student leaders.

Our students play a crucial role as Ambassadors for Israel and human rights at their respective schools, fostering dialogue and understanding. Because we are exposing them to speakers and survivors of the horrific Oct. 7 attacks, they are also better equipped to tell Israel's story amidst rising antisemitism on campus and around the world.

The contribution of these brave and courageous students is invaluable and greatly appreciated and your support is crucial in ensuring these voices are loud and their impact is felt! Please join us for an evening of engagement and support for this important initiative.

Sponsorship opportunities for United We Stand are still available. Please see below for our sponsorship deck.

Attendees will also have the chance to hear from our incredible students and staff about their efforts advocating for Am Yisrael on high school, college, and university campuses across Canada.

See you in early December!

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