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A huge thank you to ourAVI Title Sponsors!

Allied Voices for Israel (AVI)

Meet the generous sponsors behind our upcoming "United We Stand" events & our AVI Common Ground Ambassadorship

With our United We Stand events with Arab-Israeli advocate Yoseph Haddad a little over a month away, we wanted to take a moment to thank our generous title sponsors who are helping make it all happen.

Without their contribution, we would not be able to realize our dream of bringing Yoseph to FOUR major Canadian cities! Attendees will also hear from student leaders on campuses across Canada and incredible allies who are fighting antisemitism. is a startup founded by Michael Fromstein, a CPA with entrepreneurial experience and the CFO of a successful Toronto-based cloud company.

IsraeliMall will enable North American customers to purchase a wide variety of goods made by small-to-medium Israeli businesses, using local credit cards with no exchange fees added. Utilizing a combination of a dedicated fulfillment house in North America and direct shipping from Israel, ships products to customers throughout the continental United States and Canada within days of receiving orders.

Dr. Steven J. Stein

Dr. Steven Stein is a clinical psychologist and Executive Chair of MHS, an international behavior analytics company. He has been involved in research on antisemitism and other forms of hate. He has also pioneered research on emotional intelligence and hardiness.

He is the co-author of Hardiness: Making Stress Work For You To Achieve Your Life Goals and the international best-seller The EQ Edge: Emotional Intelligence and Your Success. He has held several academic positions in the past including adjunct faculty in the Psychology Department at York University.

Thank you, Steven and the Family, for your incredible generosity and support!

Yoseph Haddad will be speaking in Canada on the following dates:

🏙️Montreal on Tuesday, Dec. 3, 2024⁠

🏙️Toronto on Thursday, Dec. 5, 2024⁠

🏙️Calgary on Saturday, Dec. 7, 2024⁠

🏙️Vancouver on Sunday, Dec. 8, 2024⁠

Tickets and sponsorships to United We Stand will receive a full charitable tax receipt. Tickets are selling fast so make sure to register ASAP!

AVI Common Ground Ambassadors hear from a Bedouin family in Rahat during our Israel trip in June 2024

We would also like to thank our generous sponsors of our AVI Common Ground Ambassadorship, which allows us to empower, educate and inspire student advocates for Israel on campuses across the country.

This important flagship AVI program is only possible thanks to the generosity of the following benefactors:

To learn more about our Common Ground Ambassadorship program and trips, please click here.

Click on the photo above to register for our Student Advocacy Workshop in partnership with other organizations 

AVI is proud to partner with our friends at Hillel Ontario, The Lawfare Project, EndJewHatred, StandWithUs Canada, CUJS, and Lawyers Combating Antisemitism on a critical Student Advocacy Workshop for high school, college, and university students.

Students will learn about Israel advocacy, gain the confidence to stand up for Zionism, practice advocating with experienced lawyers, and learn about allyship and coalition-building.

The event is taking place in Toronto on Nov. 10th at 11am. To register, please click here.

To register for Canada Israel Fashion Week, click on the image above

AVI is thrilled that our very own Common Ground Ambassadors will be strutting the runway at the Canada Israel Fashion Show in Toronto between Nov. 21 and Nov. 24!

This incredible partnership will celebrate the fusion of Israeli and Canadian fashion, with amazing designers, cultural connections, and a global cause. Our Ambassadors are proud to represent AVI’s mission, making their mark on the runway and showing solidarity, style, and strength to the world.

Join us for this unforgettable moment hosted by AVI First Lady Kim Smiley alongside epic performances from Jessica Gorlicky, Limore Twena, and others. You won’t want to miss the biggest fashion celebration of the year!

To register, please click here. Make sure to use our AVI dicsount code “AVIFASHION2024” when registering for 20% off.

Left: West Coast Campus Advisor Jean-Luc Mudingayi participates in Sukkot ritual of shaking the lulav and etrog at the University of Calgary; Right: Jean-Luc with The Consul General of India in Vancouver, Masakui Rungsung, at a Diwali event

Our West Coast Campus Advisor Jean-Luc K. Mudingayi partnered with Chabad Lubavitch of Alberta, StandWithUs Canada, and Hillel Calgary on Sukkah on Campus at the University of Calgary. It was a beautiful moment of unity, where students, both Jews and allies alike, got to participate in the ancient rituals of Sukkot!

Jean-Luc also connected with The Consul General of India in Vancouver, Masakui Rungsung, and stood in solidarity with the Hindu community at the Happy Diwali Event, hosted by the Vedic Sevaks Charitable Society and the Canadian Hindu Chamber of Commerce in BC.

High School Advisor Zachary Rusonik connected with High School students at Tanenbaum CHAT, with an interest in volunteering for meaningful causes

Earlier this week, our High School Advisor Zachary Rusonik tabled at Tanenbaum CHAT's annual Jesin-Neuberger Community Service Fair, where Jewish organizations from across the city talked to students about volunteer opportunities for worthy causes.

CHAT's students collectively complete an average of more than 27,000 hours of community service annually!⁠ Zach connected with dozens of students looking to get involved in Israel advocacy.

East Coast Campus Advisor Noa Peretz Benchaya with the students at Montreal's Herzliah High School

In other campus/high school news, Our East Coast Campus Advisor Noa Peretz Benchaya had a blast tabling and connecting with the students of Herzliah High School in Montreal.

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