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AVI/HRC Campus Media Fellow op-ed on the radically divisive campus protests published in the Jerusalem Post

Judah Eisen

On June 1st, 2024, Western University student Judah Eisen got published in the Jerusalem Post. In his piece, he outlines the radically divisive campus protests that have done more to create increased hatred and animosity on campus than peace.

"Protests [on campus] have taken one of two forms; peaceful, passionate, and vibrant, or violent and aggressive filled with shouting and hate. This is the key difference between the pro-Palestinian and pro-Israel protests," writes Judah.

"It is clear that what we are seeing now is not so different from how the Holocaust started: a radical idea, an angry protest, and a supporting group that is large and furious enough to make a difference.

These waves of violent and angry protests calling for the destruction of Israel must not be taken lightly.

Before you know it, the whole world can be affected by this radical idea, leaving Jews with no hope for survival."

To read the article in its entirety, please click here.

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