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AVI Student Ambassadors #BUYcott Indigo Chapters across Canada!

Allied Voices for Israel (AVI)

PLUS - Our whirlwind week in Vancouver, our event with Israel Bonds Canada, and more!

AVI Student Ambassadors show off their new books at the Indigo Yonge & Eglinton location in Toronto 

On Wednesday, September 25th, 20 of our Allied Voices for Israel (AVI) Student Ambassadors in Montreal, Vancouver, and Toronto participated in the #BUYCottIndigoChapters campaign at various locations.

AVI was proud to purchase each of our students a book at Indigo, to demonstrate to the world that Canadians will NOT be intimidated by antisemitic lies and hate. Indigo staff at the midtown Toronto location confirmed that there was an uptick of shoppers and that the protests did nothing to deter people from entering the store.

Click here to watch a recap of this “new chapter” as our students discuss the books they chose at Indigo!

Left to right: Senior Campus Advisor Idaliah Snajdman, West Coast Campus Advisor Jean-Luc Mudingayi, and AVI Student Ambassadors Yana Moscovic and Ben Morrison tabling "Hebrews & Hip Hop" at UBC

AVI is incredibly proud of our Vancouver students and AVI staff (especially West Coast Campus Advisor Jean-Luc and Senior Campus Advisor Idaliah Snajdman) after AVI led a series of events in the city earlier in September.

Our team led educational sessions on effective Israel advocacy on campus, hosted a High School Ambassadorship tabling at King David High School, and partnering on several student events with Hillel BC. Our staff even ran into actor and Israel advocate Michael Rappaport at the Vancouver Federation Campaign launch!

Click here to read more about our efforts.

On Oct. 6 in Toronto, AVI will be “planting” 1,200 Israeli flags in honour of the victims of Oct. 7, 2023

On Sunday, Oct. 6, 2024, AVI is hosting a tribute to the victims of Oct. 7, 2023. Please join us to plant 1,200 Israeli flags to honour their memory at a location near Bathurst and Wilson in North York, Ontario (address will be shared upon registration).

We would like to recognize and thank the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews for providing the flags. Light dinner and refreshments will be served. Kashrut observed.

Please RSVP by emailing

Meet our new High School Advisor Zach Rusonik!

Zach has demonstrated a passion for advocacy within the Jewish and pro-Israel communities. A former StandWithUs Canada Emerson Fellow and Vice President of Students Supporting Israel at Toronto Metropolitan University, he organized many educational events and workshops to promote Israel in a positive light on campus. ⁠


After living in Israel for a year, Zach deepened his knowledge of his community and culture. He is currently pursuing a degree in History at Toronto Metropolitan University. His experiences have demonstrated strong leadership, and he is excited to continue impacting the Jewish community in his new role at AVI.⁠

Click the above graphic to watch a recap of our event with Israel Bonds Canada

We had the pleasure of collaborating with Israel Bonds Canada on Investing In Knowledge.

AVI students learned all about Israel Bonds from Israel Bonds Canada CEO Raquel Benzacar Savatti and her incredible team. They discussed smart investing habits and how they can use bonds effectively to make a meaningful difference for the future of Israel.

Please click here to watch a recap of this informative event.

Our East Coast Campus Advisor Noa Peretz Benchaya tabled at Concordia University's Club Fair

Our East Coast Campus Advisor Noa Peretz Benchaya connected with Concordia University students at the school’s Club Fair last week, while participating in a joint tabling with Chabad of Concordia!

Please register by clicking on the above graphic

ATTENTION CALGARY STUDENTS! Please join AVI, Hillel Calgary, and StandWithUs Canada and take advantage of a great opportunity to connect with other students and faculty at our Campus Welcome Back Mixer! 🕺📼💜

🕺Thursday, September 26th, 2024

🕺6:00pm MT

🕺Appetizers provided by us!

Common Ground Ambassador and Global Studies and Business student at Western University Charlie Larock is our #AmbassadorSpotlight

Meet #AmbassadorSpotlight Charlie Larock, one of our amazing Common Ground Ambassadors, an incredibly ally who is currently studying Global Studies and Business at Western University!

Please read his testimonial on exploring Israel with AVI this summer below:

Having heard about Israel for eight months on the news, I came on the trip with an open mind, keen to learn and to build informed opinions on sensitive subjects. ⁠

After ten days of exploring seven different cities and the communities within, and speaking with many different activists about Israel’s complex yet inspiring history, I can confidently say that this trip changed who I am and how I see the world. The diverse itinerary allowed me to learn from many inspiring figures about complex issues, potential solutions, and the valuable lessons to take away. ⁠

Thank you AVI for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The memories I made and the life-long connections I formed will impact me greatly, and I can’t wait to work alongside this cause to promote peaceful solutions and support for Israel.

P.S. AVI is bringing Arab-Israeli advocate Yoseph Haddad on a Canadian tour! Please join us in Montreal, Toronto & Vancouver.

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