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Empowering students at OCAD, University of Ottawa, McMaster, and beyond!

Allied Voices for Israel (AVI)

PLUS – Hosting Instagram sensation Rootsmetals, "Antisemitism on Campus" panel, Film screening with a Nova Festival Survivor, and more!

AVI Common Ground Ambassador and OCAD Illustration Student Zach Gross tabled with the OCAD Jewish club at the school's club fair

With the school year now in full swing, AVI Student Ambassadors as well have been campaigning and speaking up for Israel on campuses including OCAD, McGill University, McMaster University, the University of Ottawa, the University of British Columbia, the University of Toronto, York University, and others.

Last week, we were so proud to see our AVI Common Ground Ambassador and OCAD University student Zach Gross tabling on campus to promote the OCAD Jewish Club.

AVI Senior Campus Advisor Idaliah Snajdman tabled at McMaster University's Kickoff Event

Our Senior Campus Advisor Idaliah Snajdman had a blast tabling at Hillel McMaster's Kickoff Event, where she connected with both returning Jewish students and their allies, as well as a new group of first years!⁠

Students enjoyed fresh sourdough pizza, games, and Israel advocacy/trip opportunities. It was a great and fun start to a new academic year.

AVI staff and students pose with Debbie Lechtman (Rootsmetals) in Ottawa

AVI Student Ambassadors and allies joined AVI, Hillel Ottawa, and Masa Israel Journey at our event at the University of Ottawa with Debbie Lechtman, the face behind educational Instagram page @rootsmetals. Our AVI Campus Advisor Noa Peretz Benchaya and AVI Allyship Advisor Raihaana Adira joined for the inspirational event.

Our Common Ground Ambassador Steven Warren spoke about his incredible experience exploring Israel with AVI this summer! Check out his speech by clicking here.

Left to right: AVI Alumna and The Canadian Union of Jewish Students President Nati Pressman; StandWithUs Canada Executive Director Jesse Primerano; Hillel York Director Dean Lavi; and AVI's Executive Director Daniel Koren

Last week, our Executive Director Daniel Koren participated in a panel discussion on campus antisemitism and what students can expect as they return to school, at Beit Rayim Synagogue in Toronto.

It is so important for us to have these opportunities to engage with the community – both students and their parents – to help them understand the resources that are at their disposal on campus, and which organizations are there to support them, and how.

The panel was an incredible opportunity for us to remind the community that students are more empowered than ever to bring truthful Israel education to their campuses and combat antisemitism.

Left to right: Criminal Lawyer Leora Shemesh, Nova Festival Survivor and Israeli-Canadian Photographer Shye Klein, and Israeli-Canadian Filmmaker Yoni Collins

AVI partnered with Lawyers for a Just Society and Kehillat Shaarei Torah in Toronto last week on Bearing Witness: A Night of Resilience. ⁠

After an emotional screening of Israeli-Canadian Filmmaker Yoni Collins' film Lenses of Lions, we got to hear from Nova Music Festival Survivor and Israeli-Canadian Photographer Shye Klein, followed by a Q&A moderated by criminal lawyer Leora Shemesh. ⁠

It was a night of strength and inspiration, as these brave and courageous individuals infected us with their light.

We are so proud of AVI's very own Daniel Koren and Lea Bloom for taking home this well-deserved honour!

Our Director of Operations and Development Lea Bloom and Founder and Executive Director Daniel Koren were honoured to receive the King Charles III Coronation Pin in honour of their work for our community, and their tireless devotion and enthusiasm. ⁠

These two are truly pillars of AVI and the Jewish community at large, and are so deserving of this honour. ⁠

Thank you MPP Michael Kerzner for bestowing this award – it is very appreciated!⁠

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Tonight at 8pm ET, AVI will host Part Two of our AVI Wartime Briefings: 11 Months Later with A Brief History of the State of Israel with AVI Director of Education Gabriela Rosenblum.

How did Israel become a sovereign state? What are the disputed territories? How do we have conversations about Israel while also sharing important history about the region? Please join us for this important workshop as Rosenblum gives attendees a brief history of the State of Israel.

Click the above graphic to hear AVI Allyship Advisor Justin Chow on "The Honest Report Podcast"

Our Allyship Advisor and AVI/HonestReporting Canada Campus Media Fellow Justin Chow recently appeared on The Honest Report Podcast.

On October 6, Justin was a UofT student, originally hailing from Hong Kong, minding his own business and pursuing his academic career. But the next day, everything changed for him. A light went off, so to speak, and suddenly, a conflict on the other side of the world, one which he had no personal connection with, became immensely personal to him.

We are so proud of Justin for always standing on the side of integrity, peace, and justice. We are so grateful to have him as a proud ally and member of our team.

Please click here to listen to How My Life Changed After October 7: A Fireside Chat With Recent HRC/AVI Campus Media Fellow, Justin Chow on The Honest Report Podcast.

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