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Upcoming events for students, legal professionals, and beyond!

Allied Voices for Israel (AVI)

Events include our law conference with Arsen Ostrovsky, a student advocacy workshop, our Canadian tour with Yoseph Haddad, and more!

Click on the photo above to register for our symposium, in partnership with some incredible Jewish Legal Organizations

The next two months are chock full of incredible events that and initiatives that I believe you will find very compelling!

On November 20th, Allied Voices for Israel (AVI) is proud to bring you Antisemitism & The Law: A Symposium For Law Students & Legal Professionals. We are partnering with Lawyers Combating Antisemitism and Jewish Law Student Associations on several campuses.

The event is led by a student committee chaired by AVI Student Ambassadors Samuel Benzaquen (McGill University), Moshe Bodokh (University of Ottawa), and Mishel Anisimob (Toronto Metropolitan University).

This symposium will feature a panel of three seasoned legal experts who are extremely passionate about Israel Advocacy: Arsen Ostrovsky, CEO of The International Legal Forum; Leora Shemesh, Founder of Leora Shemesh Criminal Law; and Michael Osborne, Chair of Canadian Competition Practice at Cozen O’Connor.

Whether you are a law student, aspiring lawyer, or experienced legal professional, this is an event you won't want to miss!

To register, please click here.

Click on the photo above to register for our Student Advocacy Workshop in partnership with other organizations 

AVI is proud to partner with our friends at Hillel Ontario, The Lawfare Project, EndJewHatred, StandWithUs Canada, CUJS, and Lawyers Combating Antisemitism on a critical Student Advocacy Workshop for high school, college, and university students.

Students will learn about Israel advocacy, gain the confidence to stand up for Zionism, practice advocating with experienced lawyers, and learn about allyship and coalition-building.

The event is taking place in Toronto on Nov. 10th at 11am.

Click the above graphic to sign the petition!

The Network of Engaged Canadian Academics (NECA) has launched a petition that’s already received 2,700 signatories calling on the University of Windsor to rescind its agreements with radical anti-Israel students to end encampments on campus.

The petition recognizes that the encampment agreements “adopt a distorted and misleading view of Israel, Zionism and Zionists,” that they “undermine academic freedom, research integrity, institutional neutrality and respectful dialogue,” and that they “are discriminatory and antisemitic” in nature.

The petition urges the University of Windsor to reject calls to boycott Israel and rescind the agreements made with radical anti-Israel students.

NECA is a fellow member of the Alliance of Canadians Combating Antisemitism (ALCCA) and AVI is proud to amplify this important campaign.

Are you a York University Student? If so, then it's time to schmooze, meet some cool people, and eat some delicious pizza at our Pizza & Schmooze event in partnership with Hillel York!

Click on the graphic to purchase tickets to see Yoseph Haddad in your city!

Presented by AVI and generously sponsored by Israeli Mall & Dr. Steven Stein, you are invited to United We Stand: An Evening with Yoseph Haddad in Montreal, Toronto, Calgary, and Vancouver!


Yoseph will be speaking on the following dates:

🏙️Montreal on Tuesday, Dec. 3, 2024⁠

🏙️Toronto on Thursday, Dec. 5, 2024⁠

🏙️Calgary on Saturday, Dec. 7, 2024⁠

🏙️Vancouver on Sunday, Dec. 8, 2024⁠

All tickets and sponsorships will receive a full charitable tax receipt.

Click the above photo to register for Clean Speech Toronto

Gossip, slander, and disparagement are contaminating our relationships and social environment – and until now, there’s been no programs to address this problem. Clean Speech is taking a stand to spread shalom (peace) throughout our communities by cleaning up our conversations, one word at a time.

AVI is proud to participate in this incredible initiative, which launches today and will continue throughout the month of November!

Montreal Community Members: Please join us this Sunday, November 3rd!

Attention Montrealers! Join us this Sunday, in partnership with Bring Them Home Now Montreal and other incredible organizations to walk for the hostages. The event will begin at Hampstead park and we will then gather together at the YM-YWHA to listen to the meaningful stories and speeches from our special guests.

Please bring your Israeli flags, and your signs in support of Judi Weinstein Haggai, the only Canadian hostage still being held in Gaza.

Click the above graphic to learn more about our #AmbassadorSpotlight - Western University Student Robbie Schwartz

Meet our #AmbassadorSpotlight Robbie Schwartz, one of our incredible Common Ground Ambassadors at Western University, studying Management and Organizational Studies!⁠

“What really sparked my interest in the AVI Ambassadorship was a shared passion for something very important to me. Having the opportunity to learn about the conflict and history of Israel from a first-hand perspective alongside my peers, was a once in a lifetime opportunity – something I couldn’t pass up.”

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